Saturday, March 10, 2012

Expectations a response to my slave.

A couple weeks ago, cherie, my slave posted on her expectations of me as her Master. Now to me this is fine and dandy, as it shows that she expects me to be what I need to be for both of us. Some people may get by seeing these things being posted that I am not really a Master or even Dominant at all, but that is false. Enough about that, here are my expectations of cherie.

1. I expect cherie to do what she is told to do/asked of her regardless of whether she wants to or not.

2. I expect cherie to accept my decisions on matters as final.

3. I expect cherie to come to me if she has troubles of any kind.

4. I expect cherie to be patient when things do not go at the pace which she thinks they should.

5. I expect full honesty from cherie.

I know I am new to this and that I have troubles staying in the mindset of a Master all the time, but nobody is perfect, nobody is just able to step perfectly into a role he/she had been unaware of for so long and be expected to know everything right away or do everything right. Well that is all for now.

Alpha Hellion


  1. LOL - I've been a Dom for over twenty years and I'm not in the perfect Master mindset all the time either. The guys who appear to be, and the people who are telling you that "You're not really a Dom"? I've always suspected they were Toilet Trained at Gunpoint, and never got over it. \
    Personally? Lots of people don't like me. I don't care. Lots of people don't think highly of my style of Dominance. I don't care about that either. I care about the people who DO like me, and I seem to be able to find lots of those. And I care about what the girls who submit to me think and feel, and I care about keeping them safe and secure, and I care about being the best Master I can be. As Popeye says: " I am what I am, and that's all what I am".
    Best of luck in your new hitch, buddy. Don't forget to duck :-)
    PS, I"m Warlock1935 on Fetlife

    1. Thanks for the positive remarks, on both blogs. I enjoy seeing peoples comments when I write something, whether their opinion be good or bad. I will be looking you up on Fetlife and hope to get some good input from you.

      Alpha Hellion
